How To Paint Aluminum Siding

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If you have older aluminum siding that is chalking, or is fading, you can replace it with newer siding, but if it's still in good shape, you can paint over it. Aluminum siding is durable, but the downside is it can dent easily, so if your siding isn't dented, painting it may be a cheaper option for you. It takes work to paint over siding, so if you aren't up for the job, you may want to spend the extra money to have your siding replaced. See below for instructions on how to paint aluminum siding.

Tools And Materials For The Job:

  • Pressure washer
  • Exterior acrylic paint
  • Painter's tape
  • Drop cloths
  • Ladder (or scaffolding)
  • Paintbrushes
  • Paint rollers


  1. Start by power washing your house to help remove any dirt and debris. If you don't own a pressure washer, you can rent one from your local tool rental store. You can also clean your siding using a strong cleaner such as TSP, a garden hose and a soft-bristle scrub brush. You can use TSP to help remove tough stains on your siding. Be sure to take off shutters if your house has them.
  2. Once the siding is clean, allow it to dry thoroughly. 
  3. Be sure to watch the weather to be sure rain isn't in the forecast. Use the drop cloths to help protect your sidewalks, driveway, and anywhere else where you don't want to get paint. Set up your scaffolding or ladder.
  4. Begin taping off any areas that you don't want paint to get on such as gutters or soffit/fascia, unless you have a steady hand, then you can skip this step.
  5. Use the paintbrushes to cut in the paint along the edges and on the undersides of your siding. Watch for drip marks and don't use too much paint on your brush.
  6. Next, use your roller to roll the paint on the face of the siding. Work your way from the top to the bottom. When finished, repeat the paintbrush/roller steps on the next side until you have the entire house painted. Take a step back and look at your work. Paint any areas that you may have missed, then look to see if your siding needs another coat.
  7. Repeat the painting process for a second coat. Then look at your home again. If your house needs a third coat, do so.
  8. Finally, replace the old shutters on your home, or replace them with new ones.

Painting your home can be a pretty big job. It is cheaper to paint your home than replacing the siding, but it may be worth the extra expense in the long run to replace your siding. Contact a siding installation company, such as Clarksville Gutter LLC, for a price quote.
