4 Ways To Save Money Long-Term On Your Commercial Heating And Cooling Needs

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As a business owner, you understand the importance of stretching your dollar. Often times, business owners find that daily operational costs eat up large chunks of their budgets. This is especially true when you look at the high costs associated with heating and cooling a commercial space. Fortunately, there are some simple, yet practical and effective steps business owners can make to save money on their long-term heating and cooling needs.

1. Swap Out HVAC Filters Regularly

Perhaps the cheapest "maintenance" you can perform on your commercial heating or cooling system is simply making sure the air filters are swapped out as needed. A dirty HVAC air filter will stifle air flow through the system and make your commercial furnace or air conditioning unit work harder than it has to. This, in turn, can result in premature wear and tear. Swapping out an air filter takes just a few minutes of your time, and air filters for many commercial units can be ordered for just a few bucks apiece.

2. Schedule Routine Inspections and Tune-Ups

Spending a little bit of money on preventative maintenance can save your business a lot of money on premature HVAC repairs and replacement in the long-term. If you don't already have a commercial HVAC specialist coming out for annual heating and cooling inspections and/or tune-ups, now is the time to sign up for such a service plan. These tune-ups can also help your HVAC system run more efficiently, which can lead to lower heating and cooling bills throughout the year.

3. Have Ducts Sealed or Insulated

Are the ducts at your place of business currently sealed or insulated? If they're completely exposed, then your HVAC system isn't as efficient as it could be. Adding insulation to the duct work will require a bit of an up-front investment, but the savings you can enjoy from increased efficiency could easily pay off multiple times over.

4. Know When to Replace Inefficient Units

Finally, understand that if you're running an older HVAC system at your place of business, you could start saving up to 20% on your heating and cooling bills by simply upgrading to a newer and more efficient system. Again, this is something that will require an up-front investment on your part, but that can pay off many times over in lower heating and cooling bills. Plus, you may be able to enjoy a substantial tax write-off or credit with a new system installation.

For more information, contact your local cooling installation services.
